If you want to know more about the world of the CERN... If you want to know what is the dark matter and the Higgs-boson... If you are curious what we know about the beginning of the Universe... If you want to ask the best experts...
CERN-Wigner Open Days 2017! Join us on the 23th and 24th of September at the MTA Wigner RCP Sport Centre and the Wigner Datacenter (1121, Budapest, 29-33 Konkoly-Thege Miklós Street).
Exhibiton: Both days from 10 a.m. to 17 p.m. a poster exhibition is organised about the Hungarian research groups working in CERN projects. At the exhibition visitors can meet with these researchers.
Game corner: Visitors can test two games inspired by physical researches.
All colors of Physics Tent: „I received two times the Nobel Prize”-about the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings; Experiences from the Detector Laboratory from a high school student; „The CERN in the Time Messenger (Időfutár), the popular hungarian youth novel” – conversation with the authors of the novel.
Visit in the Wigner Datacenter: Like last year the Wigner Datacenter is opened for the visitors. The program takes about 1 hour, starts with a little presentation about the CERN, the Wigner RCP and the Wigner Datacenter before the guided tour in the Datacenter.
The departure times of the groups and the free places are available on the registration link.
To the visit of the Datacenter: HERE
The program of the WIGNER-CERN Open Days Exhibition is available for everybody. Wigner Datacenter visitors must be at least 14 years old. For entering the Wigner Datacenter, ID card or passport is obligatory!
On the event video and photographs will be made.
Thank you for your cooperation!
More information:
Veronika Werovszkywerovszky.veronika@wigner.mta.hu
Nora Szathmári, szathmari.nora@wigner.mta.hu